Saturday, January 24, 2009

V Day ... be prepared!!

V day is almost here !!!! Why not make this Valentines Day one to remember. Here are a few ideas that I thought were unique and fun. Remember this year Valentines is on a Saturday so you have all day with your sweetheart:
  • Borrow a puppy and walk around the park with hot chocolate
  • Rent a tandem bike and ride it at the beach or park
  • Fly a Kite
  • Build a fort and do "it" (after the kids are asleep of course)
  • Challenge eachother to find a song that reminds you of the other and share the lyrics over dinner. Sounds cheesy but I promise it is cool. Print the lyrics and frame them for your bedroom.
  • Gondola ride at the beach
  • Sunset picnic with chocolate covered strawberries
  • Cut up a bunch of hearts and for every heart put I love you more than ... sleeping in, pedicures, warm days etc.
  • Or just do "it". :)

Share your ideas I would love to hear them!!! Have a fun rememberable Valentines day this year I am sure the Mister will love it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 New year, new changes, new me

Happy New Year!!! Are you making New Year's Resolutions?

Mine = Kiss Russ ten times a day. Bring back old fashion love. Get on the ground and play with my child more. Grow a baby or adopt whichever happens first. Photography. Dress like a french woman. Grow my hair out. Get back to my natural hair color (gulp). Read books in bed. Make fabulous Sunday dinners. Care less about my critics. Get over my fear of public speaking. Write more letters and get off the email train thus including thank-you notes. Take morning walks. Plant a garden. Decrease my ecological footprint. Hang out with someone new at least once a month. Kick sugar to the curb. Learn one fabulous word every other day. Get in touch with my hispanic roots by learning the language. Save more money. Travel.


"Daddy, why is Gagie-goo sick, do his tonsticles hurt?"
This comes after we tell her that her friend Gage has tonsillitis.
I love the funny things kids say, share yours with me so I can laugh some more.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Photography New Years Resolution

Okay so I have a bazillion yes you read that right BAZILLION new years resolutions this year but the one I want to pay special attention to in this post is my resolution to get my dang photography up and going. I have been saying this for a few years now and this is the year. So with that that in mind I am calling on the help of all my dear sweet friends and family to help me with a name. I am not super cheesy so please keep that in mind. My future photo business will be for individual portraints, family portraits, toddler, infant pregnancy you get the jist, please keep that in mind as well. The winner will get an awesome prize mailed to them!! Goodluck, be creative and have fun with it!!