Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 New year, new changes, new me

Happy New Year!!! Are you making New Year's Resolutions?

Mine = Kiss Russ ten times a day. Bring back old fashion love. Get on the ground and play with my child more. Grow a baby or adopt whichever happens first. Photography. Dress like a french woman. Grow my hair out. Get back to my natural hair color (gulp). Read books in bed. Make fabulous Sunday dinners. Care less about my critics. Get over my fear of public speaking. Write more letters and get off the email train thus including thank-you notes. Take morning walks. Plant a garden. Decrease my ecological footprint. Hang out with someone new at least once a month. Kick sugar to the curb. Learn one fabulous word every other day. Get in touch with my hispanic roots by learning the language. Save more money. Travel.


Liz Hymas said...

OMG! Those are some pretty inspirational resolutions! Way to go Tommi, I have always admired your motivation, can I have some?...Seriously.

Jen said...

Wow, I am seriously impressed. Those are awesome goals---a lot of them are lifetime goals for me! You've inspired me to a do a blog about my goals. Stay tuned--

Liz Hymas said...

Well done Tommers. But dude... Spark some old fashioned love, or read books in bed. Make up your mind woman. muhaaww!

Liz Hymas said...

Tommi, just to get it straight, that last comment was Steve. Did you notice how he made fun of your cute little kiss? And only he would complain about someone reading in bed, because I do it all the time! LOL! So, anyway, thanks for the compliments on our pic and such, you are the sweetest. But did you realize that YOU took that picture? That was one of our engagement pictures you took in La Jolla, it IS a good picture if I do say so myself, you have some talent. Maybe you should pursue some photography or something...I LOVER YOU!

Unknown said...

You are amazing! You always have been and you just keep getting better. Thanks for inspiring me to think about resolutions--yeah, it's the end of January, so it's about time. I LOVER You, too!

Unknown said...

One more thing...I'm all for trying to decrease my ecological footprint as well. I made some heavy duty grocery/shopping bags--are you interested? I'll make you some for your b-day if you don't already have some! Let me know!

Jac said...

I wish I lived by you! You are the best!