Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yoga ... not just for sissy hippy freaks

I have taken up Yoga and I love it!! I didn't think I would like it since I am by nature a very busy and fidgity person. My idea of yoga was that I would go and relax and feel spirtually uplifed I suppose. I guess in some sense you are very relaxed ... by the end of class ... but during you are truly working out your body. My muscles are tight and sore the next day. I think this is the way you are suppose to work your body, it is so natural and it just puts everything back in line. I sleep better and I just deal with the day a lot better.

I haven't mastered any of the poses, well I take that back I am a natural at child pose. However all the other poses require the teacher to come over and make me a model of what not to do. My downward facing dog should be V shaped and I manage to make a U. I have come to realize how truly inflexible I am. I am not giving up until I can touch my toes.

If you need incentive to go here it is, go with the hopes that someone falls out of the difficult poses. I witnessed a friend fall out of crow pose and it was by far the best laugh I have had in a very long time. Side note: crow pose is super difficult so I take my hat off to her for doing it. I am sorry to my friend for laughing so hard and/or mentioning it here on my blog ... BUT thanks for the laugh. For instructions on Crow pose see pic above.


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

I am way impressed that you are getting good at yoga! I really want to go with next time and do the week free thing! I will definitly be the friend you'll laugh at next! =)

Misty said...

I love yoga although it has been a LONG time since I've done it and I was never very good. I'm sure a lot of people got some good laughs out of me. But that is what makes it so can stink at it and still love it.