Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting to know you ...

This is Noah, affectionately known as "Beans" around here. He is this big chubby, smiley baby that has expanded our hearts yet again!! I always heard women brag about their chunky babies and now I have one. Have you ever seen man boobies on a baby before? Well now you have. Preemie? You would never know.

If beans could talk I think these are a few things he would share with the world:

  • My big sis is the cat's meow, she is by far the funniest and most caring sister on planet earth
  • Daddy is the coolest, especially when he sings "Pants on the Ground" to me
  • Everyone says I look like my daddy with the exception of my chin, it is totally mommy
  • Mommy saves me from blanket attacks a lot
  • Nap? I don't need no stinking nap.
  • I have spitting up down to an art form. Burp cloth, please.
  • I like talking to my Grammy, she keeps up conversation well
  • Balloons are seriously funny business
  • Morning poops are the bomb, literally. Oh, and the best place to poop is at the dinner table
  • Tummy time is the worst and every baby should be exempt from having to do so
  • Car rides are for babies that take naps and I don't nap so therefore I hate car rides
  • Who is next to cuddle me?
Beans, you are the best and we love every ounce of you.


Liz Hymas said...

Holy cow Tommers, nonobeans is THE cutest, happiest, most chubbiest baby I have ever seen.

Looking at that picture reminds me of the Madagascar 2 song...."Yeah, I like em big...I like em chunky."

I think whatever baby you are holding ate the baby I saw in the NICU, and loved it!

Love you guys and miss you SOOO much. Hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Lez, you crack me up chick. So funny you say that song because that is what we sing to him. grace cracks up every time! Could you imagine if he had come on time, heaven help us mom would have been in the nicu.

Suzanne said...

Oh my word! That kid is so cute! I am DYING to meet him! And Rachel wants to play with her cousin! They would be a hoot together. Seriously, can we get together soon?? Love you!

Dan and Gram said...

You haven't lost your sense of humor, Tommi, even if you have to live with your mother-in-law (who's that??) Glad to see you webbin' again, cause I'll read your book any time!

Those sweet kids bring life to us old people. We love them--we love all of you!

Unknown said...

Beans is so, so cute! We wish we could stand in line to cuddle him too! And I want to hear Russ sing Pants on the Ground sometime soon! Glad to see you back in the blogging world!

Jen said...

I am SO happy to see a pic of that cute little (but really not so little) boy!!! He is so happy and cute! I see both you and Russ in him.

We miss you guys a lot and love you! Love you Beansie! You too Gracers!

Scott and Amy said...

Oh Tommi he is so handsome!!! what a blessing that little guy is i can't wait to meet him. you are so right he has your chin for sure and i can totally see russ in him.

miss you guys we went to phils the other day and totally made me think of you. hope you are doing well in cold utah!! love ya girl.

J-me Boyce said...

That is one cute little dude. I love his chubs. I am so glad you posted a pic (finally...dork)

Jadyn has boobs and I always felt like it was sort of inappropriate to have her topless.

Beach Mommy said...

Holy Healthy!

No preemie there! You'd never know looking at the champ how much worry he's caused you! So glad we finally have a picture of him~